Glen Ridge Forest Avenue School STEAM Day - January 20, 2016
HackNCraftNJ was excited to be invited to participate in the Forest Avenue School's STEAM Festival Day on January 20th. HackNCraftNJ co-founder Jon Bonesteel was the emcee of the event where parents, teachers, and volunteers set up and coordinated five different work stations which represented a project for each of the STEAM acronym components - Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. Each student in the school was able to enjoy each work station as the group supported three different sessions, one each for Kindergarten, grade 1, and grade 2.
Jon introduced each grade to some of the more complex and exciting technologies that Makers and Technologists work with - 3D printing, electronics, and a demo flight of a 3D printed quadcopter. Then he explained each project to the kids, who then worked on each project managed by the parents and teachers. It was a great day and we are extremely grateful for the invitation and the hard work by all. The kids had a blast! Here are some pics.
Jon introduced each grade to some of the more complex and exciting technologies that Makers and Technologists work with - 3D printing, electronics, and a demo flight of a 3D printed quadcopter. Then he explained each project to the kids, who then worked on each project managed by the parents and teachers. It was a great day and we are extremely grateful for the invitation and the hard work by all. The kids had a blast! Here are some pics.